Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Some Firsts ...

I cant wait for all H's firsts... but at the same time I dont want him to get any bigger than he is now! I know all the stages are going to be fun and rewarding but this one is just amazing to me.

He has been so great since we came home, sleeping, eating, cooing.. I love it all.. and I am waiting for the hard part to start! :)

Here are a few more pics of his first days home..

First meeting with Hunter and Cash! I have to say my dogs have truly surprised me and of course we will continue to be as careful as we would have been anyway. They know their role though, Hunter has tried to push Kent away from Hendrix's crib, the baby was making noise and he thought he was hurting him.. we put the baby in his little bouncer tonight and Hunter laid UNDER it.. and when you walk around with him, its like your the pied piper! LOL

His first outside, while we were in the hospital Kent mentioned he wanted to take him outside.. and that he couldnt wait to show him how cool outside was.. well we took him outside the other day.. he wasnt that impressed! ;)

His first playtime with his cousins! He did manage to wake up long enough to let them see how fun he is already! they fed, cuddled and watched as he just stared and accepted all the love they gave him.

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