Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It just gets better! :)

Its started to sink in all this motherhood stuff.. its going pretty good I think :) he loves his sleep.. I have said that before right?? We had another night last night of sleeping from 11.30-6.30am I like this schedule! He did scream and cause me my first OH MY GOD WHATS WRONG WITH HIM meltdown.. :( turns out it was gas, but it must have hurt bad.. the poor thing was screaming, turning red, and his cry was so painful :( Anyway, Daddy rocked him and got some toots out and he went to sleep :) til 6.30!! Hes asleep again now, and I have figured this is when I get things done :)

Before he went to sleep he was smiling and actually laughing! I cant wait til this happens all the time.. and I hope it does.. I hope hes not a miserable baby! It seems to have taken him ages to smile :( I hope that doesnt mean we are miserable! He really only does it in the morning and when hes going to sleep, but he does it ALOT now when hes going to sleep.. so we will see! :)

He likes tummy time best on his boppy.. :)

see thats almost a smile! ;)

and he LOVES his bug pacis!!! :)

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