Thursday, December 11, 2008

Its been a month!!!

Wow who knew! I have been so busy that I havent had any time to update the blog :( I dont know that I have done much of anything aside look at picture after picture and then.. OH take some more! LOL We have been very blessed this year.. and I have been kept VERY busy!

So work... bla bla bla... no one wants to hear about that! The weather for those in England... we had a few and I stress... few!! flakes of snow fall somewhere in the DFW area last night! Its actually pretty chilly here, it was 43 ish today and it will be 28 again tonight, feels like home!

So Hendrix :) is that what everyone wants to hear about! as always..
I keep getting told hes getting bigger... and I am starting to feel it. Hes completely upright, walking all over.. but sometimes sideways, still thats ok as long as no walls are in the way!
Hes talking up a storm, he knows his colors and its the cutest thing ever, I love hearing.. YERRO, PUUUUUURPLE (i think thats his favorite! =) red, green and blue are all coming out close to normal. He will also come and get you at different points in the day and tell you "Hunry" telling you hes hungry :) "Go Car" is a popular one.. being as it involves leaving and a car! Christmas is already going to be a shower of cars!

His big thing though is we have put up his new car bed, and now he gets a choice.. baby bed or big boy bed, well hes been opting for the big boy bed..and doing very well! He has now slept in there for a nap yesterday, last night, a nap today and is currently in there now... although he just woke up a little while ago.. so i need to go check if hes actually still there. So we may have a cribless baby, Daddy keeps putting off taking it down, I think he is going to miss the baby :(

Theres also alot of big things going on that we need prayers for, people getting laid off, Little MK had her surgery yesterday so we are ready for her to make a swift recovery and get home :( We will all have a thankful christmas!

Now for me to see if I have any pics to share with you...

Oh yea the boy LOVES Elmo.. all we hear is.. ElllMOO and the christmas light is our new mantle pic of him for christmas! :) 

thats all I have right now!