I know I know... my blogging skills (on this blog) seem to have gone by the wayside :( I have updated the photography blog alot though. Thats not pictures of Hendrix though, and I know thats what you want! :)
I guess this week I will be taking him to take more pictures.. just not sure what yet..
Anyway, what have we been up to??? WORKING WORKING...am I so blessed to be at home with Hendrix and have the wonderful schedule I have, even in this pretty crappy economy we have right now, Gas reached $4 a gallon, yet people are still making memories. Saying that I had 2 weddings this weekend, I realized on Saturday morning while on the way to the second that I completed 2 weddings in 20 hours!! no wonder I was exhausted yesterday! I had asked Kent last year when I booked this week if he could take the week off.. so this week he stayed home and played momma.. and he got flowers for it too! :) While I am sure there are plenty of things I could have got him that he would have appreciated I am pretty sure he got my intention.. and I think he appreciated it too :) Why shouldnt you give men flowers :) He did get a 6 pack of Dublin Dr P too!
But you arent here to read about me.. The man of the hour is still as wonderful as ever! I swear hes making my friends hate me.. last weekend I had a girls night on Friday got home late, he didnt wake us up on Saturday until 9am :) Saturday night we had BBQ with some friends and stayed up a little late, Sunday he woke up at 10am.. I cant even count on my kid to wake me up early anymore.. bla bla bla I know! LOL He does DO bad things sometimes, eating dog food is the current favorite, playing in the dog water, loves mud ( he is a boy) seems to enjoy making a mess too.. we need to work on that one i think! But for the most part he is a pretty great kid!
Here is working the bills.. I like his method!
Shopping is also something he likes.. thank goodness!~ he gets his chicken nuggets and people watches! :)
He loves to chase Cash, although he sometimes looses track of what hes doing.. he is alot like his dad in that he gets distracted by something shiny.. LOL
We are hoping by this christmas he will be walking enough to start ice skating.. we have to start our future hockey player as soon as we can :)