I copied this from LKs blog!
I have some time right now.. and I guess I am in blogging mode! LOL
A-Z- all about me!
A - Attached or single? Married 4 year next week!
B - Best friend? April, Brandi, Kristin, Amy, Jenny... I have lots! I am a lucky girl!
C - Cake or pie? Cake
D - Day of choice? Monday, my guilt free time to play all day with my little one!
E - Essential item? My IPhone.. there I said it!
F - Favorite color? I am liking the light greens but maybe brown?
G - Gummy bears or worms? worms!
H - Hometown? Born in Margate, Kent (England) hometown.. probably Lydney!
I - Favorite indulgence? Wine and bubble baths!
J - January or July? ohhhh hard, I love Winter but Jan is a bit depressing, but I am not crazy about the 100 degree weather either!
K - Kids? 1, awesome, handsome stunner!
L - Life isn't complete without? My family
M - Marriage date? Which one! :) Sept 12th or May 29th - I think thats right!?
N - Number of brothers and sisters? once upon a time NONE! now 2 younger sister (1 older sister in law ;) ) 3 younger brothers and 2 older brother in laws! WOW thats alot of people!
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges, especially the tangelos April introduced us to! :)
P - Phobia and fears? hmmm death.. losing people I love i think.. Fears- dissapointing people :(
Q - Quote? We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
R - Reason to smile? A little of everything right now.. mostly HS and KS (seperately -and most definitely laughing together!)
S - Season of choice? Spring and Fall
T - Tag three people: hmmm Brandi, Alicia, Amy
U - Unknown fact about me? hmmm I think I am an open book!
V - Vegetables? Brocolli, glazed carrots, sweetcorn :)
W - Worst habit? lack of back bone!
X - X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound.. it was so awesome to see H in there! :)
Y - Your favorite food? cream cheese and raspberry chipotle right now! :)
Z - Zodiac sign? Aquarius