Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bye bye curls!

Well not all of them! Just a few stagglers and strays! :) 

I asked my DH to do Hs hair! I walk in and see him with scissors.. after crying WAIT! and he looked at me all worried I said "I have to get my camera!" LOL So I proceeded to get a few shoots of the curls coming off and then we put the curls in Godmother Caroles little jar :)  we even sealed it with super glue so they couldnt get lost! LOL He made me say goodbye to them! 

I know there is lots of firsts but first curls are always tough.. and while his appearance has barely changed I know hes growing WAY too fast!  :( 

Friday, May 23, 2008

An oldie.. I have time for!

I copied this from LKs blog! 

I have some time right now.. and I guess I am in blogging mode! LOL 

A-Z- all about me!
A - Attached or single? Married 4 year next week!
B - Best friend? April, Brandi, Kristin, Amy, Jenny... I have lots! I am a lucky girl!
C - Cake or pie? Cake
D - Day of choice? Monday, my guilt free time to play all day with my little one!
E - Essential item? My IPhone.. there I said it!
F - Favorite color? I am liking the light greens but maybe brown?
G - Gummy bears or worms? worms!
H - Hometown? Born in Margate, Kent (England) hometown.. probably Lydney!
I - Favorite indulgence? Wine and bubble baths!
J - January or July? ohhhh hard, I love Winter but Jan is a bit depressing, but I am not crazy about the 100 degree weather either!
K - Kids? 1, awesome, handsome stunner!
L - Life isn't complete without? My family
M - Marriage date? Which one! :) Sept 12th or May 29th - I think thats right!?
N - Number of brothers and sisters? once upon a time NONE! now 2 younger sister (1 older sister in law ;) ) 3 younger brothers and 2 older brother in laws! WOW thats alot of people!
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges, especially the tangelos April introduced us to! :)
P - Phobia and fears? hmmm death.. losing people I love i think.. Fears- dissapointing people :(
Q - Quote? We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
R - Reason to smile? A little of everything right now.. mostly HS and KS (seperately -and most definitely laughing together!)
S - Season of choice? Spring and Fall
T - Tag three people: hmmm Brandi, Alicia, Amy
U - Unknown fact about me? hmmm I think I am an open book!
V - Vegetables? Brocolli, glazed carrots, sweetcorn :)
W - Worst habit? lack of back bone!
X - X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound.. it was so awesome to see H in there! :)
Y - Your favorite food? cream cheese and raspberry chipotle right now! :)
Z - Zodiac sign? Aquarius

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy Birthday pumpkin!

This was the little slideshow I made of Hendrixs birthday fun! Friends, Fish and Cake! :) 


(Not in that order!) 

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My little football player

OK so hes not ACTUALLY kicking the ball (unless he has ALOT of help!) but he sure is cute!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Teething troubles :(

This week was a slightly rough one, Hendrix is teething still and while his stomach is doing better you can tell hes still hurting :(

We have been doing the motrin and the orajel and a new product I was introduced to called HurriCaine gel, and yes Amy it is a wonder drug!

Although he did start making funny faces :)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


So I am starting to feel my age I guess you could say! I have recently found a renewed love for my 80s heros!

Who might you ask!

Adam Ant

Hey Mickey!

Boy George

awww and little Tiffany

Dont forget the Thompson Twins

and kajagoogoo!

and roxette.. oh man I have to stop!

YUP I feel 30..

I think I am going to go buy Adam Ants DVD now.. and put it next to Robbie Williams! :)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

One Year check up!

Pic croutesy of MRS Mcnosky images :)

So after all the hoopla of cake and celebrations it was time to head in for our One Year Check up on Tuesday!

It seems like such a huge difference from the 9 month appointment, I was eager to see how he was doing, and hear about the changes we were about to make!

At this appointment we learned that Hendrix is 31 inches(90 percentile for height) 21.5 pounds (25th percentile for weight) and still has a huge head! LOL The Dr was very impressed by him and all hes learned he gave him an A+ and an excellent which apparently doesnt get handed out very often! Of course Hendrix showed off a little, clapping and waving at him! :)

We may go to see a baby eye person (because I cant spell it) as I think he has a lazy eye.. the Dr didnt notice too much but said if we were concerned that we could go.. so we will see! :)

We took them a One year picture too and everyone oooed and ahhhhed and commented on his big eyes, curly hair! He made me very proud! :)

Oh and we also found out that he IS teething, I thought he was I just couldnt see much, because he wouldnt let me! Hes getting his 2 cuspids, they are apparently going to come in "any minute!" and 4 teeth on the bottom.. at the SAME time! yet aside for some waking up and wanting to hug during the day, which is FINE by me, he is just fine and happy :)

Birthday Trip!

With all the craziness leading to the birthday I had asked Kent if he could take of the Monday after, I knew it would be nuts and it would be fun to have a day to recover. So we slept late cleaned up, and headed to the Aquarium, I think this was Hendrixs third visit! We may need season passes next year! LOL We knew this time he would be soo much more interested.

The point in going on a Monday was that it would be quiet, no crowds.. hmmm we pull into the parking lot and see about 8 school buses.. DARN IT! Walking in there were no lines, as we are paying I notice a sign on the glass that says.. "we are expecting 739 school children today" Sweet Jesus WHAT! OY! well we didnt get there until about 1 so there must have only been about oooo 200 left! so glad we didnt venture there early in the day!

Anyway we had lots of fun, and Hendrix was so much more interested this time, it was very cool to watch!

My baby boy and me!

Hendrix and Daddy, we have this same picture from one of our other visits.. so cute!

Kent took this one and it was so cute, he got very interested in the fishies!

I couldnt help but get a shot in the overhead aquarium, I have some more in the shark one, but they arent downloaded yet! :)

Busy Busy weekend!!

So I learnt my lesson on first birthdays this week, while I spent days getting ready, doing things around the house, it occured to me on Saturday that there is no point.. and all it does is take you away from your little one! which is why it then changed to being up til 2 each night .. although I couldnt sleep so thats my excuse! LOL

We had a great birthday though, lots of friends and plenty of food.. so much we had 2 rounds of people! LOL but it was so nice to hang out with friends and celebrate Hendrixs birthday, and my BIRTHday..

Hendrix helped a little with getting ready!

By the time his birthday came he had the cake thing DOWN! we had (and actually still have soo much cake!) it was a steal!

he got so many presents he loved, his car, his chair, things that light up and he recently figured out remote controls and what they do, so he even got his first remote control toy!

It was so crazy while everyone was there but we managed to get a pic of the stragglers! ;)

After everyone left he crawled and played outside and surprise the camera was still out!