Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My BIG boy!

Hendrix' 1 month appt was today.. and as I figured hes gaining just fine! :)
He is now 10 pounds 3 oz (still not as big as his daddy when he was born) he's growing WAAAY too fast!!! hes 22 inches.. and so 50-75 percentile for height and weight!

They are watching is right eye, as it wasnt responding to the light they way the doc would have liked.. but he was VERY tired when we got there and his eyes get lazy when hes tired.. he said it should correct itself by 4 months.. but he is going to watch it at each visit. He had one shot, which he DIDNT like at all! but we stuck a bottle in his mouth and he was fine! :)
Hes starting to look dark too, and his eyes look like they are turning brown :)
Oh and hes starting to really enjoy bath time! ;)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Back to Work!

So tomorrow marks my back to work :( I am a little sad, but I am also excited in that I really only leave the house to work once a week, and its on a day when I know H will be with his daddy. Kent even said that his brother may be here, and they want to take him to a music store! Also its his one month birthday tomorrow.. and while Kent just argued that it his anniversary not his birthday, he also agreed there maybe a chance that its reason for a new transformer toy! MEN!

While I did do one wedding the week after he was born, I swear that must have been committed under major adrenaline, as I remember the first few weeks I was full of energy (well as close as you can imagine) and only the last 2 have lost that a little... (the meds maybe! ;)

The strangest part about this new little human in my life, is that my house stays cleaner (for now) and "most" of the time my work is done. I guess, one, he sleeps so well in his crib (most of the time) so I get everything I need done in the morning, and two, it makes me less crazy if everything is done. This could be my downfall later, but for now its getting done! :)

So tomorrow I will go armed with my super strength ibruprofen, and my camera (and my SIL) and pray that it all goes to plan! :)

Wish me luck! :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

4 Weeks and flying!

A Little Boy

If you have a little boy
All your very own,
Then you have enough and more
To make a happy home.

4 Weeks today! Time really flies.

Its so nice to see him growing and changing, getting more hair, making more faces. But as each week goes by I realise how fast they change, and how quickly they grow, it makes me sad, but at the same time it makes me excited to see what will happen next, as I know there is SO much changing to come!

I am starting to also feel that amazing love, I cant help but kiss him and hug him, and there are even times I encourage him to wake so I can stare at him (this is normally if theres nothing else to do, LOL)

Happy 4 week birthday little one!

Hehehe This is his.. I am busy working on something face! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

He ate my chips!!!

Yesterday while out running around we stopped at Wendys to get lunch. My mum was in the back with Hendrix and she kept joking that he had eaten half her burger.. so when we stopped and I went to get him out.. i looked at him and though.. Did she kiss on him with ketchup on her mouth.. and then realised she had put little dabs of ketchup on his nose, cheek and the edge of his mouth, just to add to it he spat up a little while i was trying to figure out what was going on.. He looked so funny I looked up and Mum was just standing outside the car laughing! " I said he stole my chips" I cracked up and the poor little guy was oblivious and fast asleep! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2007


I still cant get Tinypic to post my videos.. so heres one that I uploaded today :)



Sticking out our tongues!

I read yesterday that at this age if you do certain things babies will eventually copy you.. so last night we were all sitting on the couch and Kent and I took turns to stick our tongues out as he stared at each of us.. I swear the child must think we are crazy.. he looked from me to Kent and back and probably thought who ARE these people! but eventually and much to our excitement he started sticking his tongue out! Of course he stopped when I took the camera out..

Yay the next thing is smiling!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Jillian .. meet Hendrix!

She was impressed let me tell you.. although she smiles at pretty much everything..

I cant say the same for Tom, he and Hendrix had a staring competition! I bet Hendrix won! ;)

No more poopin in your shoes!

Hes been repremanded and told he is not allowed to poop in ANY shoes ... at least until college! ;)

hehehe look at those tiny shoes... this blowout came about an hour after the dr said.."Have you had any great blowouts yet.. you know where they go up their back".. hmm now we have except it went straight for his feet!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

And you are???

I get this stare from him regularly now.. like he;s figuring it all out.. well actually more like.. he knows.. and hes smarter than you! :) We have had a few days of relaxation.. and hes done great.. napping, feeding and cooing.. and then at night he still sleeps... He has some baby acne right now :( but hes still cute as a button! :)

Monday, May 14, 2007

My Little Boy, My Mothers day

"Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy
So heres what I would consider out Mothers day picture.. it WAS only a few days before! :)

Happy Mothers day!

And heres a pic of Kent! LOL I actually didnt get ANY pics with my little one yesterday.. OH well.. there was a lot going on! Hendrix spent the day with family, first surrounded by ALL the mommies.. and then his cousins babysit (the pictures of which are at http://www.thisisyourlifelk.blogspot.com/) He slept really well last night.. after his evening melt down! Today he has spent some calm time awake and has slept alot! So I hope he still sleeps tonight!

My first Mothers day was great.. a bit of a whirlwind as it seems we didnt stop all day! I got a beautiful locket from my DH! he even added his own touch.. it says SDS instead of SJS (just because I use that more now) and he didnt like the way Monograms were laid out so he had them do it this way (in most your last initial is in the middle) :) Its gorgeous and I love it.. I just have to print teeny tiny pics to go in it now!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

So.. what DOES he do!

I was taking pictures for Amy of him sportin his Texas colors! and Hunter wanted in on the action.. its so funny, if you put the baby on the floor Hunter brings him toys.. I guess he wants to know what it is he does, if its not play with him! Hes the only one in the house that cant play tug!
So he diverted his attention to Cash.. and they tugged their way around the house!

While I am in a posting frenzy .. this is the sling that April had made for us.. he actually likes it.. and it makes it much easier to carry him around!

His fathers son!

Remind you of anyone??? (look at his hand!)

There is so much more of Kent in this child than anyone would have imagined! Firstly it looks like he will have blonde hair.. oh well.. and he could possible have his dads steely blue eyes.. he has his ears, HEAD!!! chin, and he also has his tempremant.. we have noticed that when there are lots of people he will either put himself to sleep or he will cry and when you lay him in his cool, quiet crib he will stop and go to sleep.. so it seems no one could deny Kent of this child! :) I did say all along that I hoped he was like Kent, I knew then he would be laid back and calm.

Although his new thing last night was refusing to go to sleep.. Kent also does that! :)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hendrix first Dr appointment!

Today was Hendrix' first trip to the dr. I must say he did real well.. what with the nakedness and the prodding poor thing!!!

I was very shocked! he stats are great and apparently the Dr said we are great parents, and whatever we are doing, keep doing it! We felt very proud!

SO when he was born at 7lb 12oz, left the hospital at 7lb 7oz and today weighed in at a whopping 8lbs 5OZ!!! I was under the impression he was just supposed to gain his birthweight back.. so we know we are feeding him enough.. and before you panic that he is going to be a chub hes also gained 2.5 inches!!!! he was 18.5 at birth and 21 inches today.. whoaa... we MAY have some Gates genes down here!!!

Apart from that he had his second PKU test and only cried a little (I had a bottle in his mouth) :)

I also ventured out on my own when we got home .. so that I could get some stuff done that Kent had no interest in!! I had no problems and its all feeling so much better now.. and I am only taking 2 ibruprofen a day.. ( large doses mind you! ).

Tommorrow Nana Dane comes.. so we will have more fun guests at our house! I know hes excited as he took forever to get to sleep tonight.. :) he was pooped when we got home!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Double Trouble!

They really are going to be trouble together when they are old enough to walk!!! LOL
More nice pics from today.. we really took adavantage of 2 photographers in a room.. cute babies, and make up! :)

OK I lied!

So heres some pics.. I got dressed up AGAIN.. and Gavin and April came over to do some pics of us all... we actually got some nice ones.. THanks to all the black I was wearing.. and then the touching up! LOL

Heres a taste I need a nap!!
Image by Gavin, touched up and edited by me! ;)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

OK as requested..

Mommy and Baby.. now leave me alone til the other 15 pounds is gone! LOL

Friday, May 04, 2007

Rootin and Tootin!

I tried today to get on video how cute Hendrix is when he roots.. he has done it since he was born and hes starting to do it less now.. although he does it for EVERYTHING.. feeding, changing, entertaining.. he knows it gets our attention.. he just so cute and funny when he does it.. I know its probably one of those mommy things.. but I cant help it! :)

Click Here http://video.tinypic.com/player.php?v=4tfp6za

Here is a video of him just being cute!! http://video.tinypic.com/player.php?v=4l8bsbk

LIl Bee! :)

It turns out we have a little one that loves pacifiers.. and he doesnt always need it, but he can keep it in his mouth, he holds it in, and when it falls out when hes asleep he doesnt freak out (which was the reason I didnt want him to have one) probably cause he can sleep through ANYTHING! (at the moment - I always need to add that disclaimer!)
He has a cute outfit that matches his latest Paci.. he looked so cute today NOT in a sleeper.. he had close to real clothes on, we had a fun day with Mimi and Pappaw and Uncle Brant. He was pretty active today.. and now hes fast asleep.. lets hope he eats at 12 and then stays that way! :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Picture shortage..

I think NOT!

Hendrix's Mimi told me yesterday how she had a picture ( a print) of Hendrix, I realised that while I have all these pictures I dont have a Print.. so this morning I got online and sent a bunch to print at CVS (mainly for dad to take home.. but some for us! :)

Then this evening we had an impromptu photo shoot with grandad so he had something to remember his trip by :)

And to finish... his OY! Rowdy British Soccer Fan pose! :)


My favorite Picture so far!

Of course there are plenty! and the ones of he and Kent make my heart melt.. but this is so HIM! :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Some Firsts ...

I cant wait for all H's firsts... but at the same time I dont want him to get any bigger than he is now! I know all the stages are going to be fun and rewarding but this one is just amazing to me.

He has been so great since we came home, sleeping, eating, cooing.. I love it all.. and I am waiting for the hard part to start! :)

Here are a few more pics of his first days home..

First meeting with Hunter and Cash! I have to say my dogs have truly surprised me and of course we will continue to be as careful as we would have been anyway. They know their role though, Hunter has tried to push Kent away from Hendrix's crib, the baby was making noise and he thought he was hurting him.. we put the baby in his little bouncer tonight and Hunter laid UNDER it.. and when you walk around with him, its like your the pied piper! LOL

His first outside, while we were in the hospital Kent mentioned he wanted to take him outside.. and that he couldnt wait to show him how cool outside was.. well we took him outside the other day.. he wasnt that impressed! ;)

His first playtime with his cousins! He did manage to wake up long enough to let them see how fun he is already! they fed, cuddled and watched as he just stared and accepted all the love they gave him.